
Fusion Can Explode

WARNING: Do not ever put your MacBook in the bag while sleeping IF you have VMWare Fusion running. It'll burn or may explode! Because I did zipped it in my bag for say 30 minutes and the heat just scares shit out of me.


I Love Shortcuts!

Annotation - ALT+CTRL+M
Auto Format - ALT+CTRL+K
Auto Text - F3 or ALT+CTRL+V
Bookmark - CTRL+SHIFT+F5
Copy Format - CTRL+SHIFT+C
Copy Text - SHIFT+F2
Create Auto Text - ALT+F3
Date Field - ALT+SHIFT+D
Delete Back Word - CTRL+BACKSPACE
Delete Word - CTRL+DELETE
Dictionary - ALT+SHIFT+F7
Do Field Click - ALT+SHIFT+F9
Doc Maximize - CTRL+F10
Doc Move - CTRL+F7
Doc Restore - CTRL+F5
Doc Size - CTRL+F8
Grow Font - CTRL+SHIFT+.
Grow Font One Point - CTRL+]
Hanging Indent - CTRL+T
Header Footer Link - ALT+SHIFT+R
Help - F1
Hyperlink - CTRL+K
Indent - CTRL+M
Justify Para - CTRL+J
Left Para - CTRL+L
Line Up Extend - SHIFT+UP
List Num Field - ALT+CTRL+L
Outline - ALT+CTRL+O
Outline Collapse - ALT+SHIFT+- or ALT+SHIFT+NUM -
Outline Demote - ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT
Outline Expand - ALT+SHIFT+=
Outline Expand - ALT+SHIFT+NUM +
Outline Move Down - ALT+SHIFT+DOWN
Outline Move Up - ALT+SHIFT+UP
Outline Promote - ALT+SHIFT+LEFT
Outline Show First Line - ALT+SHIFT+L
Lock Fields - CTRL+3 or CTRL+F11
Web Go Back - ALT+LEFT
Web Go Forward - ALT+RIGHT
Word Left - CTRL+LEFT
Word Left Extend - CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT
Word Right - CTRL+RIGHT


SSH through SOCKS proxy

compile connect source and put to any bin
add to ssh config file:
Host *

ProxyCommand connect -S socks.proxy.la %h %p

  1. establish wifi connection (comp + iphone)
  2. run socks (3proxy) from mobileterminal
  3. surf anything from mobile safari to establish EDGE
  4. set browser's socks proxy with iphone IP address & port 1080
  5. if firefox, additional step: set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to true
iPhoneModem app is annoying


Clippy! I miss thou!!

I thought it was a restriction or expired evaluation time but its NOT!
They have replaced the way to show copy & paste button to by holding
[123] even for copying an sms, you need to hold them. Thank God Clippy
is back!
Sent from my iPhone



I always have the feeling that huge sms.db will slow down SMS application startup. So I created a script to be run in Terminal and I wish I can do an application for this.


# backup-sms.sh
# Created by amanyus on 2/2/09.
# Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

DATE=`date +%y%m%d`
echo "${DATE}"
if test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then echo "Today's backup already exists."; exit; fi
if ! test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then cp -npv /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE; fi
ls -lrt /var/mobile/Library/SMS/
if test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then echo "Today's backup successful"; fi


Update: Something fishy here. Applications installed by Cydia do not appear on the springboard...

Aperture: A tiny thing that saves a lot of time.

Just for expressing an excitement. A new thing I just discovered and love about Aperture.

I have a lot of pictures and my last trip to Langkawi produced more than 1700 shots - and my mother wants them ALL! So as I started to export hundreds of pictures, I went through one by one to reject bad photos - even the exporting is still running (right now). Suddenly I came to a photo that attracts me. After a simple edit, I decided to upload it to Flickr and this is the good part. I don't have to wait for the earlier exporting process to complete before exporting a new picture. It really saves my time.

What a good software design in customer point of view!